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Burnout Paradise - The Ultimate Box

Burnout Paradise - The Ultimate Box

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Criterion Games
Electronic Arts
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Rating E +10
Burnout’s mix of spectacular crashes and open world racing returns with an unprecedented amount of new content now in place.When Burnout Paradise first graced consoles, it was an entirely unique take on a well-worn racing formula. The over-the-top stunts and crashes the series recreates so dramatically were in place, but now took place in a huge open world environment known as Paradise City. Players were free to roam the streets, exploring the environment for secrets or challenging fellow racers by simply stopping at a set of lights and revving their engines. Burnout Paradise managed to create a seamless racing world with freedom never seen before in a racing title.Making a welcome return in this ultimate edition, players have been treated to a huge collection of new content that’s been lovingly handed out to console owners via downloads since its original launch. For the first time in a Burnout title, motor bikes can be raced across Paradise City. New maps, vehicles and online gameplay modes have also made their way to the disc.With all of Burnout Paradise’s new content now squeezed onto one disc, The Ultimate Box is one of the most generous racing games available.
Metacritic score