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MotoGP 09/10 (Moto GP)

MotoGP 09/10 (Moto GP)

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Monumental Games
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 3 años
MotoGP 09/10 takes the series in an exciting new direction rewarding players for their racing style and skill on the track. Gamers will get all the riders, tracks and teams from the official 2009 MotoGP season and free downloadable content from the 2010 season as it unfolds. The free update means gamers will be able to play the most up to date MotoGP season content earlier than ever before.MotoGP 09/10 will feature an all new Arcade Mode where players must complete different race challenges before the time runs out. Time bonuses will be awarded for those who take risks on the track but losing concentration will mean you face time being deducted making this an exciting gameplay addition for racing game fans. Run out of time and your chances of living the MotoGP dream will be over.Complementing Arcade Mode is the introduction of a fully realised Career Mode which provides an expansion to the MotoGP experience. Players take control of their MotoGP championship both on and off the track competing in the races and managing their team as they try to build their career as a racing pro.Gamers can compete in a full championship season across all three MotoGP bike classes and pit their skills against players around the globe with the robust online mode. Brand new exciting gameplay modes that deliver the ultimate GP racing experience Ability to update the game with content from the 2010 championship as the season unfolds Compete against riders across the globe in online multiplayer mode Two-player split-screen allows you to compete against your friends Select from 125cc, 250cc and 800cc championships Realistic AI which emulates a true racing pack with different rider styles and pace Accessible handling for players of all levels to create an enjoyable racing experience 17 official circuits from the 2009 GP season
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