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Dynasty Warriors 6

Dynasty Warriors 6

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Omega Force, Koei
Fecha de lanzamiento
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Rating Apto para personas de 13 años o más
Set in Ancient China during the 3rd century, Dynasty Warriors 6 immerses gamers in a truly cinematic kung-fu action experience. Celebrated characters have been completely re-imagined with new weapons and fighting techniques motion-captured from some of today's leading stuntmen and women in Asia. With the game's new Renbu attack system and game controls, players can execute lightning-fast combos and the most dazzling fighting moves with ease. Developed from the ground up exclusively for next-generation platforms, the game's proprietary engine delivers the most chaotic and challenging Tactical Action experience to date. Players can use the landscape to elude the thousands of soldiers swarming the battlefield. But as players move and attack, adaptable enemy A.I. devises offensive and defensive combat tactics, and can retaliate with packs of fierce hunting dogs and patrol boats. All of the explosive action comes to life in high definition, 60 frames per second (fps) graphics. Based on the epic novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dynasty Warriors 6 depicts the massive battles ignited by the fall of the Han Dynasty when three rebellious states moved to overthrow the Emperor of China. Features: Developed from the ground up exclusively for next-generation platforms, the breakthrough proprietary engine reinvents the Tactical Action experience and delivers the most chaotic and challenging battles to date. Fighting techniques motion-captured from some of Asia's leading stunt performers create the fluid look and feel of a modern kung-fu action film. Celebrated characters are completely re-designed with new weapons and signature combat techniques. More immersive environments where players can swim, climb and use the landscape to elude the hordes of soldiers swarming the battlefield. Climb atop fortress walls and jump into the middle of a crowded camp for a surprise assault, then escape on horseback to retreat to safety. Innovative and unpredictable Tactical Action objectives blend seamlessly with the fast and intuitive melee combat. Storm battlefield strongholds by destroying massive gates, go on missions to destroy enemy weapons, and defend allied military units from assault. Exploit certain targets for extra items and points. Enemy unit A.I. adapts to player combat tactics, and can track players with tigers on land and patrol boats on water. New skill map feature allows players to determine how a character develops. With the game's new Rendu attack system and game controls, players can execute lightning-fast combos and the most dazzling cinematic fighting moves with ease. Partner with a friend in two-player co-operative gameplay (offline) and charge the battlefield as a team. Fight for the top spot with the Challenge Mode's Online Rankings. Breathtaking visuals in 720p HDTV and 60 frames per second (fps) graphics, with in-game Dolby Digital audio.
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