Set in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX TV series universe, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 utilises characters from the third and fourth series of the show, with players charged with assembling the ultimate card deck by defeating their peers in thrilling duels. Over 3,500 cards can be collected and used, and players can also partner with a dueling partner to embark on graduation tag duels against rival pairs.Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 is the most advanced Yu-Gi-Oh! title to hit PSP to date, and enjoys a simple yet effective dueling interface to make games faster and easier to manage. The game's 3,500 cards are sampled from the most recent Trading Card Game packs, including 'The Duelist Genesis' set, and offer a wide range of traps, monsters and spells for the user to amass. Players can also use the hardware's online capabilities to download additional content, including entire decks or individual cards.Every aspect of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 has been enhanced, with all-new AI routines adapting to the way the game flows, while the social aspect of the Trading Card Game is showcased as up to four players duel together via the PSP Ad-hoc LAN mode. A new Gallery feature is also introduced, and provides a visual record of defeated monsters and key events. Use characters from the third and forth series of the TV show 3,500 cards to collect and use Duel with a partner for 2 vs 2 action! Enhanced computer AI routines New gallery feature