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Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Vesperia

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Bandai Namco Games
Namco Bandai Games America
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Rating Apto para personas de 13 años o más
The world of Terca Lumireis is in transition. Ten years of peace have led to an uneasy truce between the Empire and guilds, which desire to live by their own rules. Controlling the ancient technology known as blastia, the Empire has provided safety and prosperity to its citizens, but the people have grown uneasy with the heavy hand of their government. As former Imperial Knight Yuri Lowell, players will explore the complex relationship between blastia, the government and its people, setting foot outside the safe confines of the cities to explore a mysterious and dangerous world.   A classic series returns - The newest instalment of the Tales RPG series keeping the established gameplay formula that fans loveNext Gen sights and sounds - First Tales RPG game with hight-definition graphics, broadcast quality animation, and Dolby surround soundEvolved real-time battle system - New refinements and additions to the trademark Tales real-time battle engine making for the most action-packed, dynamic RPG fighting everFan favourite character designs - Characters designed by famous manga artist, Kosuke Fujishima, responsible for the popular series' Ah! My Goddess, Sakura Taisen and You're Under ArrestImmersive look and feel - Detailed environments, animation and an artistic style so good, it's like playing a cartoonDramatic story - Gripping tale of a hero on a quest for justice, trust and friendship with unexpected twist and turns at every step The Tales role playing series is given a visual overhaul and upgraded battle system, but keeps the core gameplay fans enjoy.The Tales series dates back to the Super Nintendo era of the mid nineties, its in-depth combat system and epic plots becoming fan favourites across multiple consoles. With Tales of Vesperia, the series takes its first step onto next generation consoles with the Xbox 360, where its visual style and battle system have all been given an overhaul. At first glance, Tales of Vesperia could easily be mistaken for any number of anime films, its crisp animated style giving each character a hand drawn feel. Its storyline follows much the same pattern as older titles, as two friends must work to prevent the power struggle of an empire powered by a mysterious ancient technology.Unlike many other Japanese role playing titles, players are free to move around during real-time combat battles. Fights are spiced up with the use of over limits, fatal strikes and other more traditional fighting techniques.Microsoft’s console is quickly becoming the home of Japan’s best and brightest new role playing games, and Tales of Vesperia marks the next upgrade for the long-running fantasy series.
Metacritic score