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EA Sports Active: Personal Trainer

EA Sports Active: Personal Trainer

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  • 63'90 €
    63'90 €
    Precio sin envío £49.99 (57.27 € )
    +  Shipping cost £5.79 (6.63 € )
    Precio final £55.78 (63.9 € )
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EA Canada
EA Sports
Fecha de lanzamiento
Exercise Fitness
Calificación por edades
Rating No recomendada para menores de 12 años
EA Sports Active: Personal Trainer features a wide variety of activities that target upper body, lower body, as well as cardio. Each daily workout will feel different then the last and increase in intensity as you work up a sweat towards your goals. In the custom workout mode, you can cater the length of the workout to the time you have available, which body areas you want to focus on and identify your favourite of the over 20 exercises - and you will see how many calories you are burning in real-time. - Active Fitness Made Fun & Easy: Workouts feature variety and familiar activities that target upper body, lower body as well as cardio. Start off with a run, followed by bicep curls and get your heart beating with some cardio boxing. Get fit and have fun in minutes a day! - Benefit of a Trainer in a Box: Your trainer will be the focal point of the experience guiding you towards your own version of personal achievement. Feedback will be given throughout your workout, keeping you on track to reach your fitness goals. - 30 Day Challenge: The game will track your progress as you embark on a 30 Day Challenge and tailor workouts to your level of fitness. Circuits will change as you progress each day, and EA Sports Active will track calories, intensity and progress throughout your journey. - New Way to Play: Slip the Nunchuk into the specially designed leg strap and hold the Wii Remote in your hand to track your movements from both your upper and lower body. A resistance band is also included to increase the intensity of exercises such as bicep curls and shoulder presses. - Workout Your Way: Circuits can be customised to your interest and fitness level. Choose your duration, intensity level and set your own goals for calories burned and workout score. - Wii Balance Board Compatibility: Get more out of your EA Sports Active workout using a Wii Balance Board with added functionality and physical benefits for many exercises.
Metacritic score