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Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl

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Focus Home Interactive
Fecha de lanzamiento
Alternative Sports
Calificación por edades
Rating No recomendada para menores de 16 años
Blood Bowl is the videogame adaptation of Games Workshop's famous board game of the same name.A brutal team sport unfolding in a parallel fantasy world based on Warhammer and American football, Blood Bowl invites gamers to form a team of players from such races as Orcs, Wood Elves, Humans, Dwarfs and many other fantasy creatures, and launch themselves into battle in the bloodiest of arenas.Blood Bowl for PSP is a real treat for all players, beginners or established. The original rules, as well as all the mechanics, tactics and strategies that made the success of the board game are reproduced with great accuracy.The single-player experience is phenomenal, with several game modes to choose from. One-Off Matches, Championship Leagues and Cup competitions, and also a Campaign Mode, which propels you and your newly formed team into the Blood Bowl arena for many seasons of grueling action against the 56 other teams competing and ready for battle! As Head Coach you manage your team progress throughout the campaign and claim the title of Champion of the Blood Bowl Cup!Challenge your friends in fierce multiplayer games with a single console with the Hot-Seat Mode, and on different consoles using the PSP WLAN! Select your team and make your friends and enemies bite the dust!   A full 3D rendering with a free camera immerse yourself in the heart of the action with a close up view or switch to an aerial camera for an overview of the whole match. 8 different races, each offering its own style of play: Humans, Orcs, Skaven, Dwarfs, Wood Elves, Goblins, Lizardmen and Chaos. 7 pre-established teams per race, for a total of 56 playable teams. Take part in a full Blood Bowl campaign to win the championship trophies and cups while developing your own team. Start progressively in the game using an intuitive tutorial and several levels of difficulty. Challenge other Blood Bowl players in wireless multiplayer mode or directly on the same console with the Hot-Seat Mode.
Metacritic score