It is the year 2012...and the earth stands on the brink of destruction. The alien forces of the Hierarcmy have descended upon the planet with ravenous hunger, casting aside all human resistance as they consume and destroy everything in their path. As humanity prepares to make its final stand in Washington D.C., a mysterious new force arrives and the true war for earth begins. Professing to be the nemesis of hierarchy, this army of sentient machines called Novus arrives on earth via their interstellar portals. But have they come to save earth or simply destroy the hierarchy? As the battle for the earth rages, and humanity retreats from the massive alien threat, a third and final power rises from the oceans: the ancient Masari, aliens who fled to earth millennia ago during the hierarchy's first rise to power and played forefathers to earth's earliest civilizations. Wielding technology beyond even the hierarchy and Novus, they begin their mission to cleanse earth of all invaders. Earth now hangs in the balance, as three forces battle to determine the final fate of mankind.