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LEGO Batman: The Videogame

LEGO Batman: The Videogame

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Traveller's Tales
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Fecha de lanzamiento
Calificación por edades
Rating No recomendada para menores de 7 años
The Black Knight is back like you've never seen him before! From Traveler's Tales, the creators of the Lego Star Wars games, comes Lego Batman. Pulling inspiration from the gamut of bat history, this action-packed Batman experiences lets you play as Bat man, Robin or more than 12 dastardly villains -- all in their super-fun LEGO form! There's been a big break-out from Arkham Asylum. Batman must again face against classic bad guys and girls like the Joker and Catwoman. Designed for standard two-player, drop-in/out cooperative play, Lego Batman is broken up into 18 levels, with three different story arcs (that's six levels per story arc). Lego Batman lets you play in both hero and villain story modes, as well as a free-play mode. The Batcave serves as the natural hub area for Batman while Arkham Asylum is the hub for villains. Lego Batman lets you build and take control of Lego versions of your favorite vehicles like the Batmobile, Batboat and the Batwing. As you collect various Lego pieces throughout a level, you'll develop special superhero power suits to give you extra moves. The bad guys come with their own evil perks. For instance, the Joker electrifies enemies and powers machines with his electric buzzer and Harley Quinn soars above other characters with her super-jump.Features: Play as Batman, Robin or more than 12 dastardly villains -- all in super-fun LEGO form Master special superhero power-suits and new moves, along with the weapons unique for each character Build and drive Lego versions of favorite vehicles like the Batmobile, Batboat and the Batwing Customize characters, build and transform game environments, and challenge yourself with multi-layered collectibles and rewards Designed for standard two-player, drop-in/out cooperative play
Metacritic score