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Disciples III (3)

Disciples III (3)

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  • 15'85 €
    15'85 €
    Precio sin envío £8.05 (9.22 € )
    +  Shipping cost £5.79 (6.63 € )
    Precio final £13.84 (15.85 € )
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Turn-Based Strategy

Disciples III: Renaissance is the next title in the award winning Disciples series and represents a leap forward in the evolution of the turn-based RPG/strategy genre. Building on the successes of the first two games, Disciples III: Renaissance introduces a host of new features as well as the compelling gameplay that made the previous titles so popular.

Disciples III: Renaissance is a standalone turn-based RPG/strategy game set in an expansive fantasy world, offering players action, adventure and glory. Stunning 3D environments, three playable races, and multiplayer functionality all combine to offer an outstanding gameplay experience.

  • Three playable races - The Empire, the Legions of the Damned and the Elven Alliance. Each race has unique units and city designs
  • Cities, locations, units and other game assets are now represented in full 3D
  • Advances in gameplay allow increased fluidity in multiplayer games and less downtime in single-player games
  • A new upgrade system allows the player to assign attributes to their leader units. This system employs inventories and new stats and abilities
  • Visual representation of characters' equipped armor, weapons and artifacts
