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Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV

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Fighting Games
Calificación por edades
Rating Apto para personas de 13 años o más
The undisputed king of the beat-‘em-up finally returns to home consoles in this arcade conversion of Street Fighter IV.With Street Fighter II, the world of fighting games was changed forever. With its simple controls and in-depth combo system, it welcomed both newcomers and hardcore beat-‘em-up loyalists with open arms. After being the staple of fighters since the early nineties, its true successor rears its head in the form of Street Fighter IV. The same lighting fast combos and over-the-top characters are on board, now with a fresh visual overhaul and tweaks to the popular blueprint.The striking visuals of Street Fighter IV stand out from the typical 3D fighter, with a hand drawn style turning fights into moving paintings as broad black brush strokes flow across the screen. This anime style of graphics also plays into the fluid animation, allowing players to string together moves without pause. Old characters of the series return, including favourites Chung-Li and Ryu, as well as a collection of brand new fighters.Street Fighter IV manages to blend the old with the new. Its fluid, precise combat is back, but with an updated, prominent new look.
Metacritic score