Set during the aftermath of World War III, the fourth instalment in the role playing series moves further into the far reaches of space. One of Japan’s most celebrated role playing series’, Star Ocean combines the traditional elements of Japanese role playing games with a futuristic science fiction style. Star Ocean – The Last Hope puts further emphasis on these science fiction elements as players explore deep space to discover the origins of the universe. Striking visuals are matched by dazzling pre-rendered cut scenes created by Visual Works, best known for their work on the Final Fantasy series. Dropping a staple of Japanese role playing, Star Ocean – The Last Hope forgoes typical turn-based battles, instead giving players a real-time combat system that allows all four members of a players’ party to remain active at one time. For the first time players can also command and control the Calnus spaceship during missions. By focusing on its science fiction roots and giving players more control over their actions, Star Ocean – The Last Hope provides a unique fantasy world that stands out from the Xbox 360’s role playing line-up.