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Pokemon SoulSilver

Pokemon SoulSilver

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Game Freak
Fecha de lanzamiento
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 3 años

For more than a decade, millions of Pokémon fans around the world have enjoyed training their Pokémon within their videogames. Pokémon: SoulSilver Version and Pokémon: HeartGold Version games for the DS and DSi herald the beginning of a major new development for the Pokémon world, as players continue that training in the real world, simply by going for a walk!

Pokémon: SoulSilver Version and Pokémon: HeartGold Version will allow you, the player, to interact with your Pokémon beyond the realm of the main game itself! The brand new Pokéwalker accessory is a pedometer that is exclusively packaged with and only for Pokémon: SoulSilver Version and Pokémon: HeartGold Version. It works with the game through an infrared connection and allows you to transfer any one of your Pokémon from one of the two games to the Pokéwalker and thus continuing the adventure in the real world!

  • Includes Pokéwalker accessory
  • Return to the Johto region for the first time since 2001
  • New detailed graphics bring the Johto region to life like never before
  • Interact with your Pokémon outside of battle

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