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Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

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Rating No recomendada para menores de 7 años
You will need to help Donkey Kong, the world's best known ape and one of Nintendo's most famous characters, swing and pounce his way through the jungle in this larger-than-life adventure, but this is no ordinary platform game. The goal isn't just to get to the end of the level, but to gather as many banana points as possible, performing combos to maximise your score.The movements of Donkey Kong are controlled through the motion-sensing capabilities of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers - swing them in to unleash attacks on and direct soundwaves at your enemies! Two brand new stages have been added, making this game a must-buy for fans of the original, as well as gamers who have yet to experience the excitement of this unique game.Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat for Wii will offer all new enemies such as the stomping Thumpskull and the electric shock-producing Buzzball, as well as new bonuses to collect and new weapons to use, it will offer a new fun and challenging experience.Shake your Wii Remote and Nunchuk to defeat enemies, or use the familiar Wii Boxing moves to take on a boss, as you jump and swing your way through the latest Donkey Kong adventure on Wii.   Shake the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to attack enemies Point and click to climb walls and swing from vines Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat for Wii will offer two new stages Use all-new weapons to take on new enemies, as well as collecting all new bonuses
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