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World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack

World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack

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  • 15'38 €
    15'38 €
    Precio sin envío £7.64 (8.75 € )
    +  Shipping cost £5.79 (6.63 € )
    Precio final £13.43 (15.38 € )
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Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
Fecha de lanzamiento
Massively Multiplayer
Calificación por edades
Rating No recomendada para menores de 12 años
You’ve turned the tide against the demonic evils of Outland. Now the Lich King Arthas has set in motion events that will lead to the extinction of all life on Azeroth. With the undead legions of the Scourge threatening to sweep across the land, you must strike at the heart of the frozen abyss and end the Lich King’s reign of terror for all time... Features: Rise as the Death Knight - Master the necromantic powers of the Death Knight — World of Warcraft’s first Hero Class. Create a new Death Knight character with a starting level of 55 and break the chains of the Lich King to forge your own destiny. Battle to Level 80 - Power your way through new quests and dungeons as you seize ever greater abilities. Assault the terrifying Wrathgate, war in Lake Wintergrasp, uncover the secrets of Dalaran reborn, and much more. Brave the Lich King’s Domain - Discover the harsh, icy continent of Northrend, the bleak heart of the Lich King’s empire of undeath. Lay Siege to Your Enemies - Command mighty siege engines to bombard your enemies and lay waste to destructible buildings in your path.
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