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SBK 2011: Superbike World Championship

SBK 2011: Superbike World Championship

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Milestone S.r.l
Conspiracy Entertainment
Fecha de lanzamiento
Calificación por edades
Rating No recomendada para menores de 12 años
SBK 2011 will feature a brand new artistic direction, an up-to-date driving model to meet the gamers expectations following the most accurate feedback collected so far on the web, as well as a more appealing presentation and side effects, due to an overall enhancement of the whole visual impact (menus, environments, 3D objects, lighting effects and much, much more). A simple side-by-side comparison with SBK X will allow the major improvements to stand out. As regards to the official content available on launch day, SBK 2011 will deliver the entire official package of the next Championship Season: all classes, featuring 9 bike manufacturers, 70 riders and 16 tracks from the 2011 season. Features: More than 20 motorbike models, included the new SBK Ninja ZX-10R Expanded career mode Brand new story mode Photo Mode - upload your best shots to Facebook 16 Player multiplayer
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