In the year 2048, the world witnesses the emergence of breath-taking anti-gravity racing. Daring to dream, the newly-formed racing teams defied centuries of belief as they reinvented physics… and WipEout® was born. Racing at street level in this prologue to the WipEout® series, hold on tight as you hunt down your foes, claim the gold medals of glory and write your name into the history books. Featuring stunning graphics and a pumping soundtrack, you can now feel the true force of WipEout® with unique touch and tilt controls. Fly solo or hook up with friends online for a shot of adrenalin-fuelled racing like never before. The future of racing is here – RIP gravity. Speed your way across exclusive tracks, races and game modes, extensive community features and multiplayer matches via cross-play with PlayStation 3. Touch and tilt your way to victory – tilt to steer, use the rear touch pad to accelerate and talk to the on-board computer to fire voice-activated weapons. Blast through a comprehensive online campaign mode, then take your racing online via PlayStation Network and enjoy new objective-based games with your friends. Click Image To Enlarge