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Super Pokemon Rumble

Super Pokemon Rumble

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Rating No recomendada para menores de 7 años
Pokémon™ fans will be able to experience for the first time the excitement of an action packed Pokémon adventure in 3D.The first Pokémon game created exclusively for Nintendo 3DS, Super Pokémon Rumble allows you to battle against waves of opposing wind-up Toy Pokémon, connect with your friends and battle them together. There are more than 600 Toy Pokémon in total to collect.As you advance through each stage in Super Pokémon Rumble, your Toy Pokémon can face dozens of other Toy Pokémon at once, creating fast and furious real-time battles.Get ready to also face off against giant Boss Pokémon, whose massive size and strength offer special challenges. Features: The first Pokémon game created exclusively for Nintendo 3DS. Super Pokémon Rumble allows you to battle against waves of opposing wind-up Toy Pokémon Connect with your friends and battle together. There are more than 600 Toy Pokémon in all to collect, including those from the recently released Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version games. Quickly and easily switch between the various Toy Pokémon you collect throughout the game to help win each battle. Face giant Boss Pokémon, whose massive size and strength offer special challenges. Certain defeated Toy Pokémon can be befriended and added to your team, and you can also collect special Toy Pokémon, each with their own unique traits. Super Pokémon Rumble offers two ways for you to wirelessly connect with your friends. Using a local wireless connection, you can enjoy a cooperative play mode that allows you and your friend to battle through levels together and more easily befriend defeated Toy Pokémon after battles. Using the Nintendo 3DS StreetPass™ feature, you can increase the chances of befriending Mythical and Legendary Pokémon, challenge the Toy Pokémon of players you pass in your daily travels and view other players’ Mii™ characters in the game.
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