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Just Dance Kids

Just Dance Kids

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  • 32'92 €
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    Precio final £28.74 (32.92 € )
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Rhythm Games
Calificación por edades
Rating No recomendada para menores de 3 años
Young kids love dancing. Some of the Just Dance choreographies aren’t made directly for them – they can be a little too complicated and the dance moves a bit tricky. Also kids have their own music tastes. So now they have their very own dance game in Just Dance Kids!Based on a simple game mechanic that is easy to pick up and play, and with funny choreographies from their favourite hits, Just Dance Kids offers younger kids their very own dancing experience!Features:Fun and simple choreographies: Kids will on the funniest dances set to colourful backgrounds and follow fellow kid coaches to Featuring songs from: Recent pop hits, made popular by artists such as Justin Bieber or Disney TV stars Classic tunes and nursery rhymes learnt at school Hits from kids favourite TV shows, movies and even YouTube videos! Easy to pick up and play: The lyrics and moves are safe and easy – they were designed especially with kids in mind. Simple menu icons allow them to navigate the game on their own Parents’ corner: Special section for parents that allows them to choose the playlist, and check their children’s progress (time played, favourite songs) All-time pop hits: From the youngest to the oldest members of the family will all get together on the dance floor to have fun! Multiplayer mode Up to 4 players in co-operative teams or head-to-head (Wii & Move) or 2 players (Kinect) Funny game modes: Several modes available for hours of fun, such as Shake or Freeze (shake your Wii-mote or freeze when instructed during the song to gain extra points)
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