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Metal Gear Solid - Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid - Snake Eater

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Kojima Productions
Fecha de lanzamiento
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 18 años
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D is set in the 60s during the Cold War, and sees series hero Snake infiltrating the Russian jungle to bring back a scientist being held captive against his will. Starting on the outskirts of a military base, the player must use Snake’s stealth skills along with the foliage and shade that the jungle offers as cover to infiltrate unseen. As the game progresses, old faces make unwelcome appearances and a series of terrifying boss characters must be defeated before leading up to a dramatic twist that brings Snake face to face with a key figure from his past… The new game springs to life in stunning 3D, with the jungle genuinely enveloping the player as they work their way through the lush setting. The game also takes full advantage of the split-screen format, enabling easier access to Snake’s inventory, which is now located below the main action. The game also supports gyro synchronization, for special actions that will draw players further into the world of MGS and for which more detail will follow shortly. Concealing one’s self and sneaking up on guards is central to Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, but the 3D elements make key boss battles and exploration all the more riveting. When Snake crawls along the ground, the game utilises a first-person view in which the foliage can be seen brushing past as he moves forwards. Similarly, the many creatures that inhabit the locale are not merely visual enhancements but affect gameplay and will attack if Snake is not wary. However, in a unique departure for the series, these can also be killed and stored as rations, highlighting how Snake must also overcome his surroundings while undercover on his mission… Another addition to Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D is an all-new camouflage photography system. Within the game, Snake can alter his ensemble to match and blend in with his immediate environment and the possibilities can range from brick-coloured fatigues within buildings, to the classic camouflage khakis of the jungle. Users can now take a picture of anything, however, the extent of its effectiveness will vary depending on how well your pictures blend with Snake’s environment!
Metacritic score
    Critic score:
    78 based on 46 reviews
    Users score:
    based on 2090 reviews