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New Super Mario Bros. U

New Super Mario Bros. U

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Rating No recomendada para menores de 3 años
New Super Mario Bros. U is the highly inventive latest instalment in the legendary and iconic franchise that is Super Mario. Our favourite Italian is now here on Nintendo’s innovative home console the Wii U, offering a brand spanking new and wide range of gameplay with the use of the ingenious screened gamepad. Join Mario and friends once more, as you delve into his universe like never before. This game is the direct sequel to Super Mario Bros. Wii, and gives you another side-scrolling adventure in the beloved Mushroom Kingdom, but gameplay has been overhauled in order to fully utilise the new options that the Wii U Gamepad has to offer, particularly the touch screen that measures over six inches long. Players can also play as their Mii characters alongside the iconic Mario, Luigi and Toads, and now have the option to socially connect with the Miiverse. When connected to the Nintendo Network, players can connect to the Miiverse and see other players’ accomplishments, comments, and feedback, as well as leave their own for others to see. A brand new feature that has been introduced, amongst others, is the Boost Mode. This mode guarantees multiplayer fun, as another play can jump into the game using Boost Mode, and can create platforms out of thin air by touching the touch screen on the Gamepad, which dissipate when the player stands on them. These blocks can be used to either help or hinder Mario, as you can use the blocks to help the Wiimote-based players reach secret areas, escape enemies, make difficult jumps, and avoid falling to their deaths, or you could use the blocks to cause more chaos and your friends to lose a life. The Boost Mode also makes co-operative speed runs possible for those players that fancy themselves a challenge, in which they can use the Gamepad to interact with and manipulate objects in real time, meaning new ways to find the fastest routes through each level. Another new feature in New Super Mario Bros. U is the Tiny Balloon Yoshi. Mario can carry the baby Yoshi in his arms, and then when the jump button is pressed whilst Mario is in mid air, Yoshi will inflate with air, allowing Mario to gain altitude on his jump. Repeatedly pressing the jump button allows more and more altitude to be gained until Yoshi grows tired and deflates, and Mario will float slowly and safely to the ground. Alongside this, there is also the Flying Squirrel Mario suit, which is a gliding suit that allows Mario to sweep through levels and cling to walls, as well as get a single boost of altitude when jumping before slowly floating him down to the ground. The Wii U showcases innovative gameplay and features for a Nintendo classic, offering new possibilities to the classic Mario game. With new abilities that utilise the new Wii U Gamepad, as well as new social features, New Super Mario Bros. U amply displays just what Nintendo can do to improve a legendary game and give a glimpse of what to come in the future of Nintendo consoles and games. (Cat Emerson) Click Image To Enlarge
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