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Dragon Ball Z: Budokai HD Collection

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai HD Collection

Duración del juego

Un jugador
12½ Horas - 24 Horas

Idiomas de importación

Sin información confirmada de los idiomas de importación del juego
También disponible para:
  • 98'27 €
    98'27 €
    Precio sin envío £79.99 (91.64 € )
    +  Shipping cost £5.79 (6.63 € )
    Precio final £85.78 (98.27 € )
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Namco Bandai Games
Fecha de lanzamiento
Calificación por edades
Rating No recomendada para menores de 12 años
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 1 and Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 make their triumphant debut on next generation consoles in Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection. Remastered in high-defi nition with full trophy/achievement support, fans can relive these two great games or experience them for the first time in one special collection. Features:Budokai 1 Features: Face off with up to 23 mighty DBZ warriors! 60 moves per character including Kamehameha Fierce fighting modes including Story, Duel & World Match Follow the DBZ animated series from Saiyan Saga to Android saga! Includes the authentic Japanese voiceover cast Budokai 3 Features: More than 40 characters from Dragon Ball, DBZ, DBZ movies & Dragon Ball GT Customize your DBZ warrior & build the ultimate fighter Saiyan Overdrive Fighting System brings the speed, cinematic attacks & combos, airborne acrobatics and intensity of the DBZ anime Share character profile passwords for other players to use Includes the authentic Japanese voiceover cast Click Image To Enlarge
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Duración del juego (HowLongToBeat)
Un jugador
12½ Horas - 24 Horas