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Far Cry 2


Far Cry 2


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Ubisoft Montreal
Fecha de lanzamiento
First-Person Shooters
Calificación por edades
Rating No recomendada para menores de 18 años
The long awaited sequel to the popular first-person shooter Far Cry. More than just a visual and technological achievement, Far Cry 2 immerses players in an entirely new kind of gaming experience, featuring a custom-made video game engine built from the ground up. Players will discover a true open world gameplay set in one of the most beautiful environments in the world, Africa, brought to life by high-definition next-gen technology. Features: Dunia Engine: The award winning Ubisoft Montreal dev team has tailor-made this new engine for Far Cry 2. It delivers the most realistic destructible environments, amazing special effects such as dynamic fire and storm effects, real-time day and night cycle, dynamic music system, non-scripted enemy A.I. and much more. Destructible Environment: No more thinking about obstacles, everything is breakable and alterable, even in Multiplayer mode! The DUNIA engine's RealTree technology also delivers the most realistic nature deterioration system ever. Weapons Of Choice: Choose from a plethora of weapons to make your way to your primary target. Meet the fight head-on with your machine gun, go berserk with you machete or make stealth kill as a Sniper. Open World: Experience real freedom while roaming in more than 50km2 without any loading. Never a game has given you so much liberty! Discover Africa as if you were there thanks to amazing artistic research supported by next-gen technology to make it come to life! A Huge Adventure & Hours Of Side Quests: Discover war in its rawest form! Fight for two rival factions, choose your own path and make your way up to your primary target by any means necessary. Feel free to explore this gigantic world and play over 70 side quests to earn help, new weapons and vehicles! Non-Scripted Artificial Intelligence: Next-gen technology brings a brand new experience to Far Cry 2.
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