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Tomb Raider

Survival Edition

Tomb Raider

Survival Edition

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Survival Edition
Crystal Dynamics
Square Enix
Fecha de lanzamiento
Calificación por edades
Rating Apto para personas de 17 años o más
‘After a brutal storm destroys the boat she was travelling on, a frightened young woman is left washed ashore on an unknown beach. On her own but not alone she has only one goal, to survive.’ Survival Edition: Art Book - A 32 page mini art book compiled by TOMB RAIDER’S Art Director Brian Horton depicting Lara’s epic adventure through original concept art. Double Sided Island Map and Poster – on one side of this 15’ x 19’ poster is a map of the Key Landmarks from the mysterious island of Yamatai, where Lara Croft and her fellow castaways are marooned after the Endurance shipwreck, on the other a poster size image of the iconic key art that epitomizes Lara’s origin story. Waterproof Survival Pouch - A waterproof re-sealable adventure pouch for storing all the key items you need to protect when fighting off the scavengers on the island. CD soundtrack – TOMB RAIDER Original Soundtrack ‘Survivalist cut’: A collection of 10 tracks totalling over 60 minutes of music from the game. Downloadable Content – the exclusive Weapons Pack: A range of new and exciting weapons to help Lara survive against the island’s inhabitants. Click Images To Enlarge Here begins the first adventure for a young and inexperienced Lara Croft in a story which charts the journey of an ordinary woman who finds out just how far she must go in order to stay alive. Click Image To Enlarge
Metacritic score