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Playstation 3

Pack consola 12 GB + El Libro De Los Hechizos + Wonderbook + Cámara + Mando Move Controller

Playstation 3

Pack consola 12 GB + El Libro De Los Hechizos + Wonderbook + Cámara + Mando Move Controller

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Pack consola 12 GB + El Libro De Los Hechizos + Wonderbook + Cámara + Mando Move Controller
Fecha de lanzamiento
12 GB
Mandos incluidos
Dualshock 3 + PlayStation Move
Incluye el juego Wonderbook El Libro De Los Hechizos
Completely redesigning the internal design architecture, the internal volume and weight of the new PS3 is reduced by more than half compared to the very first PS3 model with a 60GB HDD, and by 20% and 25% respectively compared to the current PS3. By adopting a sliding disk cover, the new PS3 continues with the characteristic sleek curved simple body design, which fits various places in the home and enables users to enjoy an array of entertainment content. With the extra HDD capacity which has been extended from 320GB and 160GB, users can store and enjoy more and more entertainment content including games, music, photos, and video on the new PS3. In addition, the new PS3 with 12GB flash memory offers opportunities to experience the world of PlayStation® at an affordable price point. Users can also expand the storage capacity of the new PS3 with 12GB flash memory by connecting a dedicated HDD (250GB) to be released concurrently with the new PS3. One Book: a Thousand StoriesWonderbook™ will bring to life a thousand stories in one physical book with a brand new series of adventures and experiences to explore.  A powerful storytelling vehicle and tool for the imagination, Wonderbook will bring exclusive content in immersive new ways by putting you at the heart of the action, using augmented reality technology to transform the world around you. Bringing mystery and discovery to your living room, Wonderbook titles will draw you into new worlds, and give you the chance to live in the stories you love.The first story: Wonderbook™ Book of SpellsBook of Spells is the first title for Wonderbook, the latest addition to the PlayStation experience. Written by Miranda Goshawk over two hundred years ago, Book of Spells can be found in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts™ library.  It is an advanced textbook for students, which will assist them on their journey to becoming an accomplished witch or wizard. Book of Spells provides students with a safe environment in which to read, discover, learn and practise spells they already know and love, such as Incendio, Wingardium Leviosa and Expelliarmus, as well as discover mischievous notes and spells scribbled into the margins by previous Hogwarts students, and humorous anecdotal facts relating to the spells. J.K. Rowling has written a conundrum that leads you through the experience, providing insight into the values a witch or wizard has to learn, and inviting you to journey through the book to unlock new content, rewarding successful students along the way.Features: Discover the magic. Wonderbook takes augmented reality to spectacular new places with an intuitive and easy to use book. Tilting, rotating, or simply turning the pages bring stories to life all around you like never before. Learn the art of spell-casting Chapter by chapter, you will be able to read about and practise 20 spells, picking up valuable experiences and lessons along the way - as well as House Points - just like a student at Hogwarts™. Original content from J.K. Rowling. From the world of Harry Potter™, the Book of Spells reveals new and exciting content by the world’s best-loved author. Offering backstories to the famous spells, valuable lessons and brand new creatures, student wizards can unlock more writing with every chapter test.
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