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Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn

Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn

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Square Enix
Square Enix
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 16 años
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for PlayStation 3 and Windows PC that invites you to explore the realm of Eorzea with friends from around the world. Form a party and adventure with a multitude of players from across the globe. Forge friendships, mount chocobos, and board airships as you and your companions create your own unique stories in Eorzea. Set out alone or enlist the aid of friends as you undertake epic quests, battle familiar Final Fantasy monsters, and acquire unique abilities and equipment. All the classic elements from the series that you have come to know and love are waiting! Embark of the adventure of a lifetime to help reforge the fate of Eorzea! Story Overview Eorzea. A land embraced by Gods and forged by Heroes. Seeking control of this realm and its abundant crystal resources, the Garlean Empire sends forth a massive host on a campaign to conquer its southern neighbour. Driven by madness, the commander of the invading forces silently plots to tear the moon from the heavens and hurl it down upon the land. The people of the realm soon learn of this foul scheme and join their hands in prayer in an eleventh-hour attempt to entreat the aid of the gods, only to see their endeavours fail. From within the moon emerges Bahamut, an ancient terror seething with rage fuelled by countless generations of imprisonment. Sensing the tug of fate, a powerful magus channels the last of his strength to send Eorzea's heroes in to a temporal rift. There they wait, untouched by the flames of destruction, until they are needed again. Those heroes are you, and the hour of awakening is now. Come and witness... A Realm Reborn. Key Features: Taking the best elements from a rich history of Final Fantasy games, including: chocobos and moogles, the Crystal Tower, Magitek Armour, Cait Sith and Limit Break. A unique Armoury system that allows you to change to any of the nineteen different classes simply by changing your equipment. Develop your character however you want, anyway, anytime, anywhere. Experience dynamic events with the introduction of the Full Active Time Event system (F.A.T.E.). Take part in open world events and help shape the world around you. With visionary artistry and typically Final Fantasy, there are an exciting and diverse number of classes and jobs to choose from. Which fighting style you adopt is entirely up to you. Complete cross-platform play on PlayStation 3 and Windows PC.
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