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Inazuma Eleven: Fuego Explosivo

Inazuma Eleven: Fuego Explosivo

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Rating No recomendada para menores de 3 años
Several months have passed after saving Earth from Alius Academy’s attack (in Inazuma Eleven 2), Mark Evans and his teammates are summoned by Seymour Hillman to assemble at Raimon Jr. High. When the team get to the school, they see familiar faces from Japan’s national football players who have once fought along with them, such as Xavier Foster and Jordan Greenway originally from Alius Academy, as well as new faces. Hillman has assembled all these Japan’s best football players for one purpose; to enter the “Football Frontier International (FFI)”. Welcoming Mark Evans as Japan’s national team captain, they now strive forward to challenge best football teams from all around the world! Show your skills and scout and recruit characters, create a truly personalised squad and battle friends in multiplayer matches. Features: Unique role-playing game blended with football Play action-packed matches via the touch screen, with over 350 special moves! Form a unique, personalised team from over 2000 characters Fully localised voice-work and animation sequences 3 story modes that build up from different character’s point of view Special tactical team plays and goal shoot chaining system new to the game