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Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4

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As spanish
  • 23'80 €
    23'80 €
    Precio sin envío £14.99 (17.17 € )
    +  Shipping cost £5.79 (6.63 € )
    Precio final £20.78 (23.8 € )
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 18 años
Product Description

The original GameCube version of Resident Evil 4 was universally considered to be the best game of 2005. It completely reinvented what had begun to be a fairly stale series, in the process becoming one of the most accomplished third person action games ever seen and certainly the most cinematic. The subsequent PlayStation 2 port did a very good job of almost matching the graphical quality of the GameCube version, while also adding in a number of extra features, including an extra five bonus chapters as the mysterious Ada Wong.

This new Wii version is essentially a combination of the two previous games, with new motion controls added in. The means you get the superior graphics of the GameCube version (now in 16:9 widescreen for the first time) and all the extras from the PlayStation 2 games, including the Separate Ways bonus sections with Ada.

Although no one’s going to complain about all of the above (especially as the GameCube version is now very difficult to get a hold of new) the big question is how the controls work on the Wii remote. The answer is surprisingly well, with the remote used to aim directly on screen like a light gun and the nunchuk employed for moving around. It’s not too dissimilar to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and proves again that the Wii can handle games with more complex controls perfectly well if called upon. All of which means this is the definitive version of what is unquestionably one of the very best action games ever made.
Harrison Dent

Product Description
With the gameplay attuned to the immersive Wii controls, plus thrilling new chapters that were not included with the GameCube release, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition truly offers horror a new home...

  • Wii Remote Action! Moving the Wii Remote allows players to aim weapons, slash with the knife, control action sequences and much more.
  • Unsurpassed Visuals: RE4: Wii Edition features breathtaking 3D graphics and effects!
  • Behind the Camera View: Camera follows you from behind and allows for intuitive movement.
  • Advanced AI: Enemies use their cunning abilities to team up and attack the player en mass.
  • "Separate Ways": Play as glamorous agent Ada Wong in five new chapters that reveal startling insight into the original storyline!
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