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Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter X Tekken

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Fighting Games
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 12 años
Product Description The long awaited clash between the two leaders in the fghting genre can now be played at home… AND on the go! Street Fighter X Tekken on the PlayStation Vita expands on the action-packed console experience, delivering competitive co-op fun that players of all skill levels can enjoy. With the full roster of 55 playable characters and new exclusive features, Street Fighter X Tekken on the PlayStation Vita is packed with tons of content and boasts one of the most robust character line-ups in fghting game history.

For those who purchase the PlayStation Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken this fall, the frst run of all retail copies will come with two free download codes: one code will be for the additional 12 characters and the second will give PS Vita players free alternate costumes for the core roster of 38 characters.


  • 55 playable Characters – In addition to the core roster of 38 characters from the console version and the 5 exclusive characters from the PS3 version, the PS Vita version will arrive with a free download code for the 12 new playable characters: Blanka, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Guy and Sakura from the Street Fighter side, and Alisa Bosconovitch, Bryan Fury, Christie Monteiro, Jack-X, Lars Alexandersson and Lei Wulong from the Tekken side.
  • Cross-platform play – Portable gaming has reached a new level. Cross-Platform Play allows PS Vita players of Street Fighter X Tekken to compete against PS3 players.
  • Multiplayer mayhem – Pick your battles and compete against others locally, online through Wi-Fi networks, or through the PS Vita’s 3G connection.
  • PS Vita Exclusive Features:
    • Augmented reality: Pose and take pictures of your favourite characters, and then place them in real life photos.
    • Front and rear Touch panels: Create the size and positioning of extra buttons on the front and rear touch panels, and customise these with different moves. Also, menus now work with the touch screen.
    • Pass near: Customise the costumes of your characters, and share them with other Vita owners that pass by. Collect other players’ custom costumes.
    • KO monument: Collect trophies from the players you beat and build the ultimate KO monument.
    • Ad-Hoc Fight request: Turn this mode on to automatically challenge other Vita owners in your area. Share replays after the battle.
    • Gallery mode: Collect different sounds and movies from the game, and play them in the gallery.
  • PS Vita and PS3 Data Sharing – All DLC purchased on the PS3 version can be used on the PS Vita version, and vice versa. Additionally, edited and customised data on the PS Vita version can be transferred to the PS3 version via a save data link.
  • 38 Free Alternate Costumes! – In addition to receiving the free code for the 12 new characters, PS Vita players will receive a second free code that can be used to unlock the alternate costumes for the core roster of 38 characters.
Product Description 55 Playable Characters - In addition to the robust roster of 43 characters from the PS3 version, the PS Vita version features 12 new playable characters. PlayStation 3 players will receive these additional 12 characters as free DLC. Cross-Platform Play - Portable gaming has reached a new level. Cross-Platform Play allows PS Vita players of Street Fighter X Tekken to compete against PS3 players. Accessible Touch Controls - New control schemes will be added which utilize the PS Vita's touch screen capabilities. Additionally, now menus can be manipulated using touch screen controls as well. PS Vita and PS3 Data Sharing - All DLC purchased on the PS3 version can be used on the PS Vita version, and vice versa. Additionally, edited and customized data on the PS Vita version can be transferred to the PS3 version via a save data link. Multiplayer Mayhem - Pick your battles and compete against others locally, online through Wi-Fi networks, or through the PS Vita's 3G connection.
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