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Rayman Origins


Rayman Origins


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UBlart Montpellier
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 7 años

When the Glade of Dreams is overrun by "nefurrious"Darktoons, the Fairy Council hastily invokes Rayman to save the day; but the hero of light isn't quite all there...To help him, Rayman teams up with his best friend, Globox, and two crafty wizards, the Teensies. Together, the world's most hilarious team of heroes will need to restore peace to the Glade or watch as their beloved home vanishes like a bad dream.

  • Rebirth of a platforming legend: Rayman Origins brings back many of the classic characters, revived in their original 2D form, as well as a whole new world of characters and environments. Discover the roots of Rayman by collecting pieces of the Glade's history, and assemblethemto reveal the truth behind Rayman's origins.
  • 4-Player, jump-in/jump-out, co-op gameplay: Play as Rayman in the solo campaign, or have up to three friends jump in at any time to play as Globox or as one of thetwoTeensies. Players can leave at any time without affecting the others' progression.
  • Unique approach to 2D art: A rich world with over 100 characters and 12 unique environments created by some of the videogaming's most reputed artists and animators. This creative approach to 2D design will recapture the hearts of platformer fans and introduce a new generation to a much-loved characters in his original 2D form.
  • A vast playground: Rayman Origins includes over 60 levels of 2D platforming gameplay designed for all ages and playing styles. Unlock new abilities progressively and return to previous levels to discover new paths and secrets.
  • Variety of gameplay: Rayman Origins is a platformer at its core, but it has elements of many game genres. Rayman, Globox and the Teensies gain unique abilities as they progress through the adventure, including swimming, diving and the sensational "H
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