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Tales Of Xillia 2

Day One Edition

Tales Of Xillia 2

Day One Edition

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  • 59'95 €
    59'95 €
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Day One Edition
Bandai Namco Games
Bandai Namco Games
Fecha de lanzamiento
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 16 años
In a land of magic and danger where the worlds of Rieze Maxia and Elympios have been reunited, players shape the events to come through the choices they make as the protagonist, Ludger, on his journey to find the truth. Tales of Xillia 2 builds upon the epic tale and classic gameplay of the original, immersing players further into a dangerous and beautiful world where the choices made shape the future and change the outcome of events in real time. Key Features: A Bleak World – A darker story and noir atmosphere awaits Ludger and Elle as they must make hard choices and decisions that affect not only their own welfare but that of the world and people around them. Enhanced Battle System – Redefining the real-time battle system with enhancements to the Linked Combat System and newly incorporated battle features including Chromatus transformations and the Weapon Swap system New and Returning Characters – Jude, Milla and the cast of original characters return as their fates intertwine with Ludger and Elle on their adventures in the newly reunited world. The Power of Choice – Decide how Ludger reacts to situations throughout the game which alters the course of the story and affects his relationships with his companions   Day One Edition Bonus Content: Tales of Xillia 2 Game Software Disc of Special Tracks Selected by the Development Team Exclusive Metal Game Case   Click Images To Enlarge
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