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Hyrule Warriors

Hyrule Warriors

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Tecmo Koei Games
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 12 años
The beloved Legend Of Zelda series takes a dramatic detour from the norm as Nintendo teams up with Koei Tecmo to deliver Warriors action gameplay in the Legend of Zelda universe. For the first time ever gamers will be able to control the likes of Ganondorf and Princess Zelda as well as ten other Zelda characters from some of the most valued videogame archives ever created Featuring locations from Ocarina Of Time, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword Cut down entire legions of enemies as Link, Zelda, Midna and others use over-the-top Dynasty Warriors-style moves. This tour de force through the beloved locales of Hyrule will have players battling some of the fiercest enemies in The Legend of Zelda history, all while being surrounded by classic sounds and theme tunes from the Legend of Zelda universe. Classic pairings in 2-player co-operative mode Two players can play local co-op, with one player joining with the Wii U GamePad controller and another with the Wii U Pro Controller or Wii Remote + Nunchuk controllers. As well as visual references to characters and locales from Twilight Princess, Ocarina Of Time and Skyward Sword, fans will also relate to an awesome soundtrack and sound effects inspired by decades of Legend Of Zelda magic. Key Features: 13 playable characters - Whether you're a fan of the heroes or have a penchant for villains, Hyrule Warriors has a wide array of playable characters on offer. You may be used to controlling Link, and Twilight Princess fans will have experienced the wolf-riding joys of Midna but Hyrule Warriors lets you take controls of series favourites such as Princess Zelda, Sheik, Impa, Ghirahim, Zant, Agitha and even the mighty Ganondorf. 2-player co-op multiplayer - Ever had to take it in turns to play through a new Legend Of Zelda game? We know we have but Hyrule Warriors supports 2-player co-operative multiplayer so you can cruise through missions with a friend. One player uses the Wii U GamePad while the other takes control of the action on the big screen with a Wii Remote & Nunchuck. Now it's even more satisfying to take down the hungry hordes! Classic locales revisited - Some of the greatest games in the Legend Of Zelda series history have been recreated in glorious HD. Whether it's the open fields of Ocarina Of Time, the somber greys of Twilight Princess or the refreshing breeze of Skyward Sword, playing through Hyrule Warriors will bring the memories flooding back! And even if you haven't had the pleasure of playing those games, you're in for a visual treat with a wide variety of backgrounds and architecture in which to rumble. Ferocious Hyrule enemies - Throughout the game's lengthly story mode you'll visit dungeons that you may have been in before in previous games… but some things may have changed. For example, you'll go up against enemies that might be a whole lot more ferocious than you remember. Raging reptile King Dodongo makes an impressive return, as does multi-headed menace, Manhandla. Each boss character will require some thought in order to take them down effectively. Click Images To Enlarge   Compatible with Amiibo Hyrule Warriors has now been made to be fully compatible with amiibo. Use Hyrule Warriors in a number of ways and even train it to become better in the game! Wii U - Hyrule Warriors amiibo Trailer Click Here to view our full range of Amiibo products!  
Metacritic score
    Critic score:
    76 based on 81 reviews
    Users score:
    based on 743 reviews