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Prueba Amazon Premium gratis durante un mes, y disfruta en ese tiempo de gastos de envío gratis, y envíos especiales de sólo 2-3 días
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Project CARS is the most authentic, beautiful, intense, and technically-advanced racing game on the planet. Guided, tested, and approved by a passionate community of racing fans and real-life drivers, Project CARS represents the next-generation of racing simulation as the ultimate combination of fan desire and developer expertise. Create a driver, pick from a huge variety of motorsports, and shift into high gear to chase a number of Historic Goals and ultimate recognition in the Hall of Fame. Then test your skills online either in competitive fully-loaded race weekends, leaderboard-based time challenges, or continually-updated community events. Featuring the largest track roster of any recent racing game with a ground-breaking dynamic time of day & weather system, world-class graphics and handling, deep tuning & pit stop functionality, and support for Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus, Project CARS leaves the competition behind in the dust. Welcome To Project CARS Project CARS - Driving in the Rain Click Images To Enlarge