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Dark Souls II: Scholar Of The First Sin

Dark Souls II: Scholar Of The First Sin

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También disponible para:
  • 65'61 €
    65'61 €
    Precio sin envío £51.48 (58.97 € )
    +  Shipping cost £5.79 (6.63 € )
    Precio final £57.27 (65.61 € )
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From Software
Bandai Namco Games
Fecha de lanzamiento
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 16 años
Dark Souls II invades PS3 and X360 with a Definitive Edition! The most rewarding game of 2014 now comes augmented on PS3 and Xbox 360. Enjoy the ultimate Dark Souls II experience with Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. Hallmark challenge & reward await you with enhancements fueled by the passion and talent of famed Japanese studio FromSoftware. Features: Definitive Edition: Scholar of the First Sin features the original Dark Souls II as well as the 3 acclaimed DLC and an array of all-new content for a complete adventure that will take you from Majula to the ice-cold world of ‘Frozen Eleum Loyce’. Additional Content: Scholar of the First Sin offers a brand new experience. The new NPC character, events, and augmented item descriptions expand the story while the improved balance and online matching functionality enhance the experience. Click Images to Enlarge
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