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Prueba Amazon Premium gratis durante un mes, y disfruta en ese tiempo de gastos de envío gratis, y envíos especiales de sólo 2-3 días
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Following the epic storylines of Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III, as well as the highly anticipated Jurassic World, LEGO Jurassic World is the first videogame where players will be able to relive and experience all four Jurassic films. The game will be available in June for the Xbox One all-in-one games and entertainment system; the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system for Microsoft; PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment systems; PlayStation®Vita handheld entertainment system; the Wii U™ system from Nintendo; Nintendo 3DS™ hand-held system; and Windows PC. Click Images to Enlarge