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Gears of War - Ultimate Edition

Gears of War - Ultimate Edition

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Epic Games
Microsoft Game Studios
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Rating No recomendada para menores de 18 años
The story of “Gears of War” thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surfaced from the bowels of the planet. Players live and breathe the role of Marcus Fenix. A disgraced former war hero, Marcus seeks personal redemption as he leads his fire team against an onslaught of merciless warriors from below. Remastered for Dolby 7.1 Surround 90 mins of new campaign content from the original PC game New Xbox Live achievements (1,250 Gamerscore) Concept art gallery and unlockable comics Modernized Multiplayer featuring: 60 frames per second Dedicated servers Skill-based matchmaking New game types - Team Deathmatch, King of the Hill (Gears of War 3 style), and new 2v2 Gnasher Execution Total of 19 maps, including all DLC and PC-exclusive maps 17 unlockable Gears of War 3 characters for Multiplayer progression More Match customization including Actives, Respawn Time, Self-revive and Weapon Respawn Modernized gameplay with smoother movement and updated controls: Alternate Controls and all new Tournament Controls All controls tuned for Xbox One Adding the Gears of War 3 features you love: Enemy Spotting, Multiplayer Tac-Com, Improved sensitivity customization
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5'81 €
9'73 €
Metacritic score