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Precio sin envío | 11.77 € | |
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Precio final | 11.77 € |
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Prueba Amazon Prime gratis durante un mes, y disfruta en ese tiempo de gastos de envío gratis y todas las ventajas y servicios Prime
Precio sin envío | £21.85 | (25.03 € ) |
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Precio final | £27.64 | (31.66 € ) |
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Rad is a rambunctious but spirited young boy who maybe plays too many video games. After dozing off at the tail end of a long night of gaming, Rad awakens to find his dusty old console has turned itself back on. Suddenly a vortex emerges and he's sucked into his TV, where he finds himself the star in his very own video game adventure. Dusty is Rad's good-hearted but foul-mouthed, now-sentient game console. His clock speed isn't what it used to be, but what he lacks for in megahertz he makes up for with experience and attitude!
Rad & Dusty's adventure begins in the First World, taking them through seven dangerous stages of action-packed, humour-filled, hard-core platforming fun. This decaying jungle world has been infected by a fierce corruption, and it's up to the unlikely buddy-duo Rad and Dusty to save the jungle's inhabitants and restore the Elder Tree as guardian of the land.