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Carnival: Fun Fair Games

Carnival: Fun Fair Games

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  • 19'17 €
    19'17 €
    Precio sin envío £10.95 (12.54 € )
    +  Gastos de envío £5.79 (6.63 € )
    Precio final £16.74 (19.17 € )
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Cat Daddy Games
Global Star Software
Fecha de lanzamiento
Juegos sociales
Calificación por edades
Rating E +10
Step right up!Experience all the fun and excitement of the funfair with Carnival: Funfair Games. As many as four players can join the multiplayer madness as your Wii Remote transforms from a sledgehammer to a frog flinger - and everything else in between! Hone your skills on over 25 unique games of chance and skill to win amazing prizes and unlock crazy costumes and hidden super-games!If you think you're ready to test your skills, this is your ticket into the world of Carnival: Funfair Games.Over 25 Games including:- Dunk Tank- Test Your Strength- Hole In One- Ring Toss- Clown Splash- Balloon Darts- Day At The Races- Shooting Gallery...and many more.- Up to 4 players at the same time!- Customise and accessorise your character.- Rack up the points in Alley Ball!- Over 250 virtual prizes to be won.