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Just Cause 2

Limited Edition

Just Cause 2

Limited Edition

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Limited Edition
Avalanche Studios
Square Enix
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Rating Apto para personas de 17 años o más
The orders are simple: hunt down and execute a rogue agent that has stolen top-secret intelligence and millions in Agency cash. For agent Rico Rodriguez, the mission is anything but routine. The target is Tom Sheldon, Rico's former commanding officer, mentor and friend; a man who knows Rico better than he knows himself. Sheldon went dark while operating in the corrupt island nation of Panau. There, three rival gangs wage war in the streets while the ruthless dictator Baby Panay rules the island with an iron fist. With the resources of the Agency at his disposal, Rico must infiltrate the island and locate Sheldon, setting off a violent chain of events that will set Panau ablaze. Each of Rico's assignments can be tackled by land, sea or air with more than 100 vehicles including tactical jeeps, attack helicopters and jet fighters. As the Agency's best, Rico can execute a range of breathtaking new stunts, utilising his trademark parachute and upgraded grapple to reach any location in Panau. Somewhere on the 400 square mile island of white sand beaches, scorching deserts and snow-capped peaks, Sheldon awaits. Featuring exclusive packaging, the limited run comes complete with the Black Market Chaos Pack, containing five must-have downloadable guns and gadgets, experimental and heavily upgraded items from the Agency’s research and development division, and a fold-out Panauan Intel Map, packed with information and hotspots for causing chaos and destruction. Agency Hovercraft - The ultimate in amphibious transport, the Agency Hovercraft is the most flexible form of transport in the game. Equipped with a turret-mounted grenade launcher, you’re guaranteed to blow your opposition out of the water Rico’s Signature Gun - Customised by the Agency and adapted for Rico’s shooting style, this deadly accurate and powerful pistol has precision, power and flair Bull’s Eye Assault Rifle - More powerful than the standard assault rifle, this lightweight and lethal automatic rifle features increased accuracy and a higher magnification scope Chevalier Classic - No agent should be without a hot set of wheels and with an increased top speed and superior handling, you can arrive at your destination in style or make a guaranteed quick getaway Chaos Parachute - Featuring a skull motif, make an entrance no one will forget … should you leave anyone alive to remember Panauan Intel map - With over 1000km² of tropical paradise to explore, the included fold-out Panauan Intel Map is an ideal reference tool for navigating around Panau, marking faction leader HQs, recommended BASE jump peaks and much more
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