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PES - Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

PES - Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

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Pro Evolution Soccer stands for unique realism and unparalleled control, but with PES 2011, Konami presents the  reatest extent of innovation within the series to date. An essential aspect of the new freedom of play in PES 2011  is the new power gauge used for every single kicker. It allows the player to precisely control power and accuracy of  very pass and shot, which results in better control over plays and match tempo.

Additionally, this new freedom is complemented with new AI routines that give the players responsibility for every play and decision. Situations where the AI disruptively interferes with the gameplay are a thing of the past. The specially developed control system is another crucial part of PES 2011. Passes spanning several kickers and gaining space now decide between success and failure more than ever. At the same time, dribblings and close control require a higher degree of precision.

As a result, this PES is closer to real football than ever before. PES 2011 is based on the familiar principles of realism and control, at the same time presenting an evolution and reorientation of virtual football.


  • Complete and precise kicker control
  • New shot and stamina gauge
  • Play the popular Master League online
  • Team management utilizes a comfortable drag-and-drop system
  • New and refi ned tricks and skills system
  • New player animations, improved tackling behavior

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