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SpongeBob: Truth or Square (Bob Esponja)

SpongeBob: Truth or Square (Bob Esponja)

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Duración del juego

Historia ppal.
4 Horas
Main Sides
5½ Horas
Completar juego
7½ Horas
4½ Horas

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Heavy Iron Studios
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SpongeBob SquarePants has gotten himself into quite a predicament. After being entrusted by Mr. Krabs to keep the Krabby Patty formula safe, SpongeBob is overcome with grief for losing the recipe. He then relies on the help of the most unlikely companion, Plankton, who wants the secret Krabby Patty recipe for himself. With the help of his friends, SpongeBob must use Plankton’s memory machine to retrace the happiest moments of his life to find the Krabby Patty formula in time for the Krusty Krab’s Eleventy Seventh anniversary. Features: New Wacky Morphing Abilities - Turn SpongeBob into a Sledgehammer Smash to whack intruders, a WaterBob sponge to spew liquid and stun enemies, or even an Explosive Canon to aim and blast baddies Relive Side-Splitting SpongeBob Moments - Reminisce through fan’s favorite SpongeBob moments as the game draws upon ‘The 10 Happiest Moments of SpongeBob’s Life’ and hilarious story elements from the animated television series Experience Exciting New Levels - Run, jump and spin through 10 challenging levels. Find familiar faces from the series as these transformed supersized bosses take quite a bit of over-the-top battling to bring them down Go Deep into SpongeBob’s Universe - Revisit SpongeBob’s most memorable locations, such as downtown Bikini Bottom, the Krusty Krab, Jellyfish Fields, or even Rock Bottom as players experience all of their favorite characters from previous SpongeBob games and the TV Series
Duración del juego (HowLongToBeat)
Historia ppal.
4 Horas
Main Sides
5½ Horas
Completar juego
7½ Horas
4½ Horas