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Family Game Night 3

Family Game Night 3

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  • 29'53 €
    29'53 €
    Precio sin envío £19.99 (22.9 € )
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    Precio final £25.78 (29.53 € )
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Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts
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Enjoy family fun with your favourite Hasbro game brands in the Family Game Night Theme Park setting within Hasbro Family Game Night Vol 3.  With MR. Potato Head returning as the game host and park guide, Hasbro Family Game Night Vol 3 features five classic and remixed versions of The Game of Life, Cluedo, Twister, Mouse Trap and Yahtzee Hands Down. Spin the wheel of fate in the Game Of Life, find out whodunit in Cluedo, tie yourself in knots with Twister, trigger crazy chain reactions in Mouse Trap and try your hand at the Yahtzee Hands Down card game. Play with your own customized avatar or Mii, and challenge family and friends in online multiplayer for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 while keeping track of your victories via online leader boards. Includes both classic and all new remixed versions of five favourite Hasbro board game brands Play with family and friends in your living room or across the country via the game’s online multiplayer mode (Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions only) Put yourself in the game—play as your own Xbox 360 avatar or Wii Mii.
Puntuación Metacritic