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Uncharted 3: La traición de Drake

GOTY Edition

Uncharted 3: La traición de Drake

GOTY Edition

Duración del juego

Historia ppal.
9 Horas
Main Sides
10½ Horas
Completar juego
20 Horas
10 Horas

Idiomas de importación

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Versión íntegramente en castellano (código BCES01670, foto del juego: ver) OJO algunos usuarios reciben esa misma edición en inglés.
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  • 26'05 €
    26'05 €
    Precio sin envío £16.95 (19.41 € )
    +  Gastos de envío £5.79 (6.63 € )
    Precio final £22.74 (26.05 € )
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GOTY Edition
Naughty Dog
Fecha de lanzamiento
Calificación por edades
Rating Apto para personas de 13 años o más

In the midst of an elaborate con to settle a twenty-year old score, Nathan Drake stumbles into a centuries-old conspiracy that puts him back on the trail of his infamous ancestor, renowned explorer and privateer Sir Francis Drake. But his search for a lost 16th-century treasure leads him to an even greater discovery – an ancient secret that ensnares him in a web of deceit, pitting him against a shadowy clandestine organisation and the occult treachery of its cunning and ruthless leader. Aided by his partner and mentor Victor Sullivan, Drake embarks on a daring trek across Europe and into the Middle East, tracing the footsteps of the famed Lawrence of Arabia as they follow a centuries-old trail of clues leading to a fabled lost city buried for millennia in the heart of Arabia’s Rub’ al-Khali desert – a legend Lawrence christened “The Atlantis of the Sands.” But the vast and pitiless wasteland of the Empty Quarter conceals a terrible mystery, and before the end of their journey, the race to unearth the wealth of the lost city descends into a desperate bid for survival, an ordeal that will push Drake to the limits of his endurance and force him to confront his deepest fears


GOTY Edition

Game Of The Year Edition Features:

  • Classic Skins Pack 1-3: 25 multiplayer skins, including Nathan Drake's looks from Uncharted 1 and 2 
  • Multiplayer Accessory Pack: Includes Killzone 3 skins and accessories 
  • Flashback Maps 1 and 2: Eight remade maps from Uncharted 1 and 2 Drake's Deception 
  • Map Pack: Four new multiplayer maps: The Graveyeard, Old Quarter, London Streets and Oasis The Fort Co-Op: Takes place in the fortress from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Co-Op Shade Survival: Fight against the Djinn (fire enemies from Uncharted 3's final chapters) Doughnut 
  • Skin Pack: Five fat skins Rogues Skin Pack 1 and 2: Skins of 14 enemies
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31'91 €
Puntuación Metacritic
Duración del juego (HowLongToBeat)
Historia ppal.
9 Horas
Main Sides
10½ Horas
Completar juego
20 Horas
10 Horas