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Killer Is Dead

Killer Is Dead

Compara precios

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Duración del juego

Historia ppal.
7 Horas
Main Sides
10½ Horas
Completar juego
25½ Horas
9 Horas

Idiomas de importación

Sin información confirmada de los idiomas de importación del juego

Otras ediciones del juego

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Grasshopper Manufacture
Xseed Games
Fecha de lanzamiento
Calificación por edades
Rating No recomendada para menores de 18 años
Product Description

Killer Is Dead is set in a not-so-distant future similar to (but not the same as) the world we know now.

The player takes control of an executioner named Mondo Zappa who wields a Japanese sword in his right hand and brandishes interchangeable weapons in his left artificial arm.

His ultimate goal is to execute various heinous criminals scattered around the world and beyond.

Includes Smooth Operator DLC Pack featuring:

  • An additional mission: Episode 51 - The Man Who Stole Blood.
  • Gigolo Glasses: Mondo Zappa will receive special glasses that grants X-Ray vision.
  • A mysterious beauty named Betty for Gigolo Mode.
Product Description

Limited Edition contains:

The full “Smooth Operator Pack” downloadable content at no extra cost

Killer is Dead is set in a not-so-distant future similar to the world we know now. The player takes control of an executioner named Mondo Zappa who wields a Japanese sword in his right hand and brandishes interchangeable weapons in his left artificial arm. Zappa is a man with a talent for dishing out pain. Working out of the Executioner Office, Mondo will take on jobs from a client list that ranges from the normal to the terrifyingly superhuman abnormal, taking down targets that are even more outrageous. Mondo is equal parts killer, lover, and gigolo - but what makes such a multifaceted man tick?

Find out in Killer is Dead!

  •     Never alone: your office mates provide backup with stupendous powers
  •     Thrilling, demanding combat using Mondo's katana and his arm gun
  •     Unique visual style
  •     Devastating combo system
  •     Completely unique visuals and outstanding stylish action come together to deliver an unprecedented gaming experience.


Bryan's Executioner Office Members

The Office members are about to embark on another high-risk job. Before they do, lets meet them...

Bryan Roses

Cigar chomping founder of Bryan’s Executioner Office and a skilled executioner who has seen his share of battle. Though retired, Bryan hops on to a job if it appeals to him. Bryan is a man who follows his whims, much to Vivienne’s chagrin. Whenever Vivienne starts complaining, Bryan will cut her off with some laughter. For Mondo, Bryan is a very supportive and dependable man, and an overall swell guy.

Vivienne Squal

Puntuación Metacritic
Duración del juego (HowLongToBeat)
Historia ppal.
7 Horas
Main Sides
10½ Horas
Completar juego
25½ Horas
9 Horas