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Child of Light

Child of Light

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Ubisoft Montreal
Fecha de lanzamiento
Calificación por edades
Rating E +10
Product Description The kingdom of Lemuria is in despair. The Black Queen has stolen the sun, the moon, and the stars. You play as Aurora, a young princess with a pure heart whose soul is brought to the kingdom of Lemuria. Embark on a quest to recapture the three sources of light, defeat the Black Queen, and restore the kingdom of Lemuria. An adventure waits! Created by the talented team at Ubisoft Montréal using the UbiArt framework, Child of Light is an RPG inspired by fairytales. Take an extraordinary journey through the vast world of Lemuria and explore its mythical environments, interacting with its inhabitants as you discover new locations and their secrets. Key features The breathing world of Lemuria. Across your experience through Lemuria you will meet encounters that you will remember, from friendly fairies and gnomes to vile wolves and dark dragons. Fight monsters and evil mythical creatures. Aurora has the power to fight creatures from the dark and to restore the Stolen Lights. Fight alongside the Igniculus in Active Time Battle systems. Your firefly ally can be controlled by another player, so you can live this adventure with your friends.
Puntuación Metacritic