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Tales Of Xillia 2

Tales Of Xillia 2

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Bandai Namco Games
Bandai Namco Games
Fecha de lanzamiento
Calificación por edades
Rating Apto para personas de 13 años o más
The game takes place a year after Tales of Xillia. Elle Mel Marta is ordered by her father to board a train at a certain time and to find a place called the Land of Canaan. The train is hijacked before its departure and Ludger Will Kresnik boards the train to save her. The train crashes and the two receive intensive injury requiring quality treatment from Clanspia Inc. which puts Ludger in debt. As Ludger works off the debt, he is hired by Clanspia Inc. who intends to use Ludger's Kresnik powers to destroy alternative timelines because the spirit Origin can no longer sustain the abundance of souls in the worlds. Tales of Xillia 2 consists primarily of two major areas: the field map and a battle screen. The field map is a realistically scaled 3D environment traversed by foot. On the field maps, various skits between the characters can be viewed. They involve animated character portraits, subtitles, and full voice acting. Skits concern anything from character development to side details. The battle screen is a 3D representation of an area, in which the player commands the characters in battles against CPU-controlled enemies. During battle sequences, the game uses the Cross Dual Raid Linear Motion Battle System. The four characters are chosen to battle and characters not controlled by a player are controlled by artificial intelligence with instructions set by the players beforehand. The "Assault Counter" (AC) denotes the number of skills and actions a character can perform. Usage brings the AC down and is recharged over time. Skill usage costs "Technical Points" (TP) which can be refilled by attacking or using items. During battle, characters can link to each other to perform unified attacks.
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