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Transformers: Rise Of The Dark Spark

Transformers: Rise Of The Dark Spark

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Duración del juego

Historia ppal.
6½ Horas
Main Sides
8½ Horas
Completar juego
16½ Horas
8 Horas

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Edge of Reality
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Calificación por edades
Rating Apto para personas de 13 años o más
Explore two unique worlds as your favourite TRANSFORMERS characters from both the movie,TRANSFORMERS: Age of Extinction, and Cybertron universes in a battle to secure an ancient and powerful relic, the Dark Spark! Features: Go Beyond The Movie: For the first time ever, fi ght your way through both Earth and Cybertron universes in an unforgettable battle to secure the Dark Spark. Over 40 Playable Characters: Including: OPTIMUS PRIME, BUMBLEBEE and MEGATRON! Change Form Anytime: Switch between robot and vehicle form on the fly! Epic Multiplayer Battles: Expanded four-player co-op online escalation mode with new upgradable defenses and challenging Power Foes! New Unlock System: Levelling system spans campaign and escalation, allowing players to unlock rewards that will aid progression in both modes! Click Images To Enlarge
Puntuación Metacritic
Duración del juego (HowLongToBeat)
Historia ppal.
6½ Horas
Main Sides
8½ Horas
Completar juego
16½ Horas
8 Horas