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Guía Uncharted 4

Edición Coleccionista

Guía Uncharted 4

Edición Coleccionista

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Edición Coleccionista
Guía Oficial

Three years after the events of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Nathan Drake is pulled back into the world of adventuring by his brother Sam. Uncharted 4: Thief's End is the fourth and final installment in the Uncharted Series. Thief's End takes players on a journey around the globe, through jungle isles, urban cities and snow-capped peaks on the search for Avery's fortune.

Edición Coleccionista

Premium Hardcover Book: A must have for any fan!

Bonus Content: Only available in the Collector's Edition.

Complete walkthrough: 100% coverage of the entire adventure.

Detailed maps: Illustrated maps of every area, along with tactical advice and advanced playing strategies.

Find everything: Locate all the treasures and collectibles.

Multiplayer coverage: Packed with tips and strategies for conquering opponents in every mode.

Free mobile friendly eGuide: Includes a code to access the eGuide, a web access version of the complete guide optimised for a second-screen experience